최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Метафорические значения названий животных и птиц-зоонимов в русском и корейском языках

Metaphorical Meaning of Zoonyms in Russian and Korean

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This article is dedicated to the study of metaphorical meaning of animals and birds names in Russian and Korean. The actuality of a present work is determined by the examination of animal and bird metaphors in Russian and Korean from the theoretical positions, which are current in linguistics. The purpose of my research is an attempt to display and describe the national peculiarity of animal and bird metaphors in Russian and Korean. The atomic approach to the animal and bird metaphors in Russian and Korean gives definite results, showing that behind seemingly simple words there stands a very sophisticated complex of representations rooted in the given cultural traditions. The values expressed in most of animal and bird metaphors in Russian and Korean deal with ‘physical traits’, ‘personal abilities and character’, ‘personal behavior’, ‘economic well-being’, and ‘social behavior’.

1. Введение

2. Теоретические основания метафоризации действительности

3. Обозначения названий животных и птиц-зоонимов в русском и корейском языках

4. Заключение

