최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

몰도바의 언어문제와 민족분규

A Study on the Language Situation and Ethnic Conflicts in Moldova

  • 11

The aim of this study is to investigate the language situation and ethnic conflicts in Moldova. Moldova Republic was one of the 15 soviet republics of the USSR and became an independent state in 1991 year. The constitution of Moldova of 1994 year stipulated that Moldovan language only must be an state language in Latin script. By the Law on the function of language on the territory of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic of 1989 year, the Moldavian language was declared the State Language and should be applied in the political, economic, social and cultural sectors and Moldovan and Romanian are identical languages. After adoption of this law and enforcement identification of Moldovan and Romanian languages to public life by this law, there occurred ethno-political conflicts between Moldovan nationalists and Russians(including Russian speakers). As a result, the Russians claim to be supporting the Slavic majority population (mostly Ukrainians and Russians) who has proclaimed a Transnistria republic (Pridnepr Moldovan Republic) in 1991. The country remained divided (during 1999), with mostly Slavic separatists controlling the Transnistrian region along the Ukrainian border. As a result of the language policy adopted in Kishnev, knowledge of the state language - Moldovan/Romanian - does not increase among the Russians and society is still strongly divided. Transnistria republic continues pursuit independence and annexation to Russian Federation.

1. 머리말

2. 본론

3. 결론
