The paper is devoted to psychological manipulative techniques in the Russian television and Internet advertising. In my paper I have proposed a classification of the basic psychological manipulative techniques that are marked in the Russian television and Internet advertising. Methods of advertising include the following psychological techniques: techniques that use direct falsification and subconscious suggestion ( False causality: product → happiness, luck, joy , Position of the advanced , cool owner of the goods , Act like everyone else , Others’ items are bad, our products are good , Intimidation , Exploitation of family values ); techniques aimed at reducing the severity of perception ( Argument to the purse, the Principle of scarcity , Promotions and sweepstakes , Argument to the brand , Outrageous promises , the Use of human sexual instincts ); the techniques of manipulating public consciousness ( Implanted assessment , Authoritative opinion , Authority of science , the Mention of major events , Masks , Appeal to technical progress , Question-answer/Rhetorical question, Affirmative statement ) and the use of a positive value images, concepts, words ( the Appeal to precedent phenomena , Humor , Rhyme ). In this work I also investigate lexical part of television advertisements (for example, the so-called vocabulary of happiness , family vocabulary, vocabulary of intimidation, vocabulary of advanced Internet users, and others), as well as various stylistic techniques used by advertisers to as speech influence in this advertisement.
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