최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

텍스트의 통사적(서술과 격 할당) 이해 방법

The Syntactic Method (predicate and case assignment) to Understand Text: using Russian folklore Puzzle as an example of analysis

  • 4

What to say is only a lump of ideas before it has a concrete form and structure. Two things must be chosen to organize these ambiguous ideas to have a concrete form and structure. First, certain signs that can express these pieces of ideas and second, the pattern of relation between these signs should be selected. Ideas become conceptualized and these concepts formulate sentence patterns through concrete language signs. These sentences aggregate as a structure of text which is an utterance, the expression of ideas or thoughts. However, like a relationship between water and bowl, ideas and thoughts can be conformed as a various form of text depending on the structure. What is important is the content of the text. The main concern of this paper is to figure out a method to grasp the content of text transcending their various types of structure. This method was investigated by reanalyzing and applying Greimas model of actant; generalizing sentence patterns to an original structural level of form of discourse by grounding the understanding of relations between predicate-case of construction grammar in linguistics theory.

1. 서론

2. 이론적 배경

3. 통합모형

4. 결론
