The article is devoted to the short review of the Polish linguists’ views on the relations between a dictionary and the theoretical linguistics. The author discusses two polarised stances. According to the first one, a dictionary is supposed to be chiefly the repository of language resources whose analyses just let to draw theoretical conclusions. In the second opposite attitude, dictionary is perceived as the implementation of theoretical demands and the synthesis of linguistic research. The author is of the opinion that the most valid thesis seems the conviction about mutual influences of lexicography and linguistics that can stimulate the development of the both aforementioned disciplines. In such an approach a dictionary becomes the check on the theoretical ideas applied in it and in that way dictionary could contribute to the development and improvement of the linguistic theories. The author also attempts to show, how important – in the process of penetration of theoretical postulates to the dictionaries – linguistic metalexicography is (or: could be).
0. Wstęp
1. Słownik jako „bezwyznaniowa skarbnica języka” i „fundament narodowej gramatyki”
2. Opis słownikowy jako ścisła realizacja założeń teoretycznych
3. Wzajemne wpływy leksykografii i językoznawstwa, stymulujące rozwój obydwu dziedzin
4. Podsumowanie