최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Эмоциональность в русском языке и обучение эмоциональной метафоре в корейской аудитории

The Emotionality in Russian language and Teaching Russian Emotional Metaphors for the Korean Audience

The emotionality is one of the key concepts of the Russian culture and occupies an important place in the Russian linguistic view of world. Emotional phenomena are expressed mainly by means of metaphors. Therefore teaching Russian emotional metaphors should become an important aspect of language training for the development of speech skills. This article investigates the metaphors, such as conceptualizations of emotions as liquid, fire and living beings. In particular, when the continuation of a certain emotional condition is described, the predicate is omitted or existential verbs and their functional equivalents are used. Compatibility of emotions with verbs of existence and their functional equivalents is determined by figurative representations of these emotions.

1. Введение: эмоциональность в русском языке

2. Эмоциональная метафора в русском языке

3. Метафорические образы эмоций и бытийные глаголы

4. Вывод

