최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Исследование стратегий перевода корейских пословиц на русский язык исходя из типов текста: на примере газетных статей и литературно-художественных произведений

A Study on Russian Translation Strategies of Korean Proverbs Based on Text Types

The purpose of this paper is to research on the Russian translation strategies of Korean proverbs based on text types. The tasks to achieve it are as follows: 1) Analyze the problems of the existing studies on Korean proverb translation. 2) Provide the Russian translation strategies based on text types and Textuality 3) Through comparison of the text types, such as Informative Text, Expressive Text, Vocative Text, Operative Text, list the Russian translation strategies of Korean proverbs based on text types. 4) Apply the translation strategies based on the text types and textuality to newspaper articles and literature

1. Введение

2. Обзор и анализ существующих по данной тематике работ

3. Моделирование оптимальных стратегий перевода корейских пословиц по типам текста

4. Заключение

