최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 동사 ‘делать(하다)’의 의미 분석

A Semantic analysis of Russian verb “delat’”

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This article aims at investigating the syntax and semantics of collocation consisting of Russian verb “delat’”. “Delat’” has the basic meaning to act and is used widely in combination with various noun phrases. “Delat’”, corresponding to a Korean verb hada , has special syntactic features and could be verified as a light verb or support verb. Mel chuk s method about lexical conception and function has discriminative characteristics in that the result could be explicit, so Mel chuk s formalization could be put to practical use for natural language processing and foregin language education. Through the examination of Russian corpus could be found several noun phrases combined with “delat’”. The collocations with “delat’” are very limited in Russian corpus, but have syntactic versatility and their own pragmatic functions. In comparison with Korean verb hada , having many preceding noun phrases, the research about corresponding Russian collocation should be expanded from “delat’” to such light verbs as vest and nosit .

1. 서론

2. 러시아어 동사 ‘делать’의 의미 접근 방법

3. 한국어 ‘하다’와 러시아어 동사 ‘делать’의 의미와 기능

4. 러시아어 동사 ‘делать’ 말뭉치 분석

5. 결론
