The article is devoted to the study of the structural and linguistic characteristics of Russian cosmetics advertizing. Advertizing of cosmetic products is turned out to be «gender-oriented», the main consumers of these products are women. The advertizing of perfume (perfume, toilet water, etc.) and cosmetics (lipsticks, creams, mascara, etc.) is primarily an appeal to the emotions: presence of emotionally expressive goods’ characteristics, an abundance of expressive constructions, emotional vocabulary, vocabulary with an estimated conative component, different kinds of tropes and figures of speech that create an overall positive impression of the imitation of spoken language – they are all distinctive «female» features. The article elaborates on structural characteristics and stylistic devices found in cosmetics advertising (phonetic, lexical, syntactic means, tropes and figures of speech).
1. Введение
2. Главные составляющие рекламы косметических средств
3. Средства оформления рекламы парфюмерно-косметических товаров
4. Изобразительные средства языка в рекламе парфюмерно-косметических средств
5. Синтаксис
6. Заключение