Grafizacja polszczyzny u progu ery typograficznej (lata 1521 i 1522): między konwencją a kreacją
Graphization of the Polish language at the threshold of the typographical era (years 1521 and 1522): between convention and creation
Graphization besides intellectualization and standardization is one of the most crucial factors influencing developing of a standard language. Beginnings of the long-drawn-out process of graphization of Polish date back to year 1136. Rules of the adaptation of the Latin alphabet to the phonetics (phonology) requirements of the Polish language of the Old Polish era that ended in the beginning of the 16th century evolved and were characterized by a great degree of variation. Yet an appearance of the printed book, that was considered as a good for sale, forced into developing the graphic system being characterized by a possibly great degree of standardization. A spelling system, conceived by editors working for the Hieronim Wietor s printing house In years 1521 and 1522, on the threshold of the Polish typographical era, was a compromise between modern solutions (Latin letters modified with diactritics, e.g. ę, ą, ó, ś, ż, ł) and traditional solutions derived from manuscripts (digraphs, e.g. cz, dz, rz). The main ideas of the Hieronim Wietor s publishing house spelling system are in force until today.