최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Описание культурно-коннотативных аспектов собственных имён существительных

A Study on Cultural Connotations of Proper Nouns in Russian

The article is devoted to the problem of Cultural Connotations of Proper Nouns in Russian. The actuality of a present work is determined by the examination of Cultural Connotations of Proper Nouns in Russian from the theoretical positions, which are leading in the present day phase of the development of linguistics. The purpose of our research is an attempt to display and describe the national peculiarity of Proper Nouns in Russian. The atomic approach to the Proper Nouns in Russian carried out by us gives definite results, showing that behind seemingly simple words stands very complicated complex of representations rooted in cultural tradition. An investigation of the sources of names shows that the personal and place names are historically, socially or culturally prominent in Russian culture.

1. Введение

2. Теоретические основания описания значения имён собственных

3. Коннотация имён собственных в русском языке

4. Заключение

