최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Исследование ситуации в области обучения письменному переводу корейской литературы на русский язык

A study of the situation in the field of training translation of Korean literature into Russian

  • 5

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current situation and problems of teaching the translation of Korean literature in the Russian language, to research the prospects for development and to plan to improve education in the field of study of translation in this area. The tasks to achieve it are as follows: 1) to consider the characteristics of literary and artistic translation, 2) to conduct a comparative analysis of the curriculum of translation in Korean Graduate Schools of Interpreting and Translation, 3) to analyze the current situation in teaching literary translation at the Department of Russian language in the translation of the Academy of the Korea Institute of Literary Translation, 4) to identify the problems and urgent issues of translation education of Korean literature into Russian, 5) to establish the development strategy of training translation of Korean literature into Russian.

1. Введение

2. Сложившаяся ситуация и проблематика в области обучения переводу корейской литературы на русский язык

3. Стратегия развития обучения переводу корейской литературы на русский язык

4. Заключение

