최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Конкурентност деривата мужев/мужевљев у савременом српском језику

The competitiveness of derivatives mužev/muževljev in Contemporary Serbian Language

  • 5

This work is dedicated to the status of mužev/muževljev forms in the contemporary Serbian language. The basic objective is to determine whether they are variants or synonyms. At the very beginning, after Introductory remarks on the subject of work and defining variants and synonyms, an overview of the history of subject is given, which shows the status of these forms from the 19th to the late 20th century as well as the structure and origins of suffixes -ov/-ev and -ovljev/-evljev. Testing the equality of their meaning and frequency in the contemporary language is based on the research of the corpus which includes: Corpus of Contemporary Serbian Language, Google, descriptive dictionaries of contemporary language as well as two current grammars. Obtained results and the results of a survay conducted with Belgrade high school students were confronted with each other, leading to the basic conclusions about tested forms as variants and tendencies of their future relations.

1. Уводне напомене

2. Историја питања

3. Статус присвојних придева мужев/мужевљев у савременом српском језику

4. Закључак

