Языковые и коммуникативные игры в обучении: из опыта преподавания РКИ в корейской аудитории
Linguistic and communicative games in teaching: from experience of teaching Russian as a foreign language in a Korean audience
Linguistic and communicative (role) games are an important part of the learning process, a connecting link between teaching and the real world. They help to make learning a foreign language interesting and creative, to improve the learners pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar skills, and to train them to use different language expressions at different stages of mastering the foreign language. The aim of this article is to show the possibilities of games as an important instrument of formation of linguistic and communicative competence of Korean students in the Russian language classes. The article presents examples of games and exercises that promote the mastering of the phonetic, grammatical, lexical, communicative and other skills, develop students critical thinking, and improve and consolidate the knowledge of the Russian language in the virtual situations that are close to the real ones. These games have been tested in the Korean audience: it turned out that it was successful to use them to train Korean students in Russian language classes.
1. Введение
2. Игры, направленные на развитие языковых навыков
3. Игры, направленные на развитие коммуникативных навыков
4. Заключение