This paper proposes a team teaching method of the writing section of TORFL basic level. In contrast to the existing methods where the foreigner alone teaches writing of a foreign language, this paper studies the option of team teaching where the Korean teacher plays a main role. This paper is based on the case of classes taught through past years to the sophomore students majoring Russian Language and Literature in Keimyung University. I introduce a case of team teaching based on the experience where a Russian and a Korean taught the writing section of TORFL basic level to the sophomore students in the first semester. If this successful case to fulfill the whole learning tasks required for a certain level of TORFL within a semester is adopted as one of the efficient methods in the other universities, it will help the Russian language to be one of the most popular foreign languages in Korea. This paper consists of four chapters. In the introduction, I review the existing literature, point out the novelty of my study, and present the method and scope of study. In Chapter 2, I introduce Russian courses taken to the relevant students in the given and the past semesters. In Chapter 3, I examine the course curriculum and the Korean-Foreigner team teaching method of the TORFL basic level writing section course taught at the given university. In the conclusion, I take a look at the effects and difficulties of team teaching, as well as prerequisites for successful team teaching.
1. 머리말
2. 기본단계 쓰기의 선수과목과 동행과목
3. 기본단계 쓰기의 내용과 팀티칭 교수법
4. 결론