최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 동사의 의미 분류에 관한 재고

Towards a Semantic Classification of Russian Verbs

  • 43

Many linguists have proposed various taxonomic categories of predicates, but there are no unified criteria for the classification. Vendler(1967)’s semantic classification of verbs is considered universal, and therefore has been applied to not only English but many other languages. Following his theory, many Vendlerians have attempted to classify predicates according to the verbs’ aspectual properties. However, more attention should be paid to their lexical semantics than their aspectual properties in the classifications of verbs. Some Slavic linguists such as E.V. Paducheva and Ju.D.Apresjan suggest a quite different classification of verbs based on their lexical semantics. Through this process, Paducheva’s theory acts as a bridge between the theories of Vendler and Apresjan. From this point of view, this article examines some of the basic theories for the semantic classification of verbs and suggests an appropriate approach.

1. 머리말

2. 분류에서 용어의 문제

3. 동사의 의미적 특성

4. 동사의 의미 분류

5. 맺음말
