This article is devoted to the metaphorical conceptualization of time on the basis of space and the naive picture of the world (naivnaja kartina mira) in Russian. This paper raises questions as follow: Is time metaphorically conceptualized not only on the horizontal axis [front–back], but also on the vertical axis [up–down]? Where did a metaphorical concept [past–up] come from? Finally, how productive and relevant is this model in the contemporary Russian language? Specifically, the representation of time based on the metaphorical concept [up-down] was motivated by the empirical frame different from other languages such as Korean. It reveals the perception of time of Russian people and their own naive picture of the world.
1. 서론
2. 선행연구 : 시간의 모델링과 직시
3. 러시아어의 언어상 : 시간의 [위-아래] 공간 지향 개념화
4. 결론