Each culture can be characterized by the universal and constant concepts. Despite the fact that every culture has the same set of universal concepts, the relations between concepts may differ in various cultures. Comparative analysis of concepts can provide information about specific and common features of different cultures and mindset. This study is devoted to the comparative analysis of the concept homeland in the conceptual sphere of Russian and Korean languages. The concept homeland was not chosen by chance. According to many researchers, it relates to the constants of culture and accumulates not only individual capability and experience but also knowledge that is shared by the linguistic community as a whole. The results of associative experiment confirmed that the concept homeland is the one of the most important concepts for a human being and can be characterized as universal and specific national mental images at the same time. It has a complex internal structure and it is reflected in both languages by units of different types.
1. Введение
2. Теоретические основы изучения концепта ≪родина≫
3. Ассоциативное восприятие концепта ≪родина≫ в русском и корейском языковом сознании
4. Заключение