최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

О придевима пасји и псећи у савременом српском језику

The Adjectives pasji and pseći (of a canine) in Contemporary Serbian Language

The paper focuses on the adjectives pasji and pseći (of a canine), their generative analysis and use in the contemporary Serbian language. The first objective of the paper is to examine if there is a suffix synonymy between the adjectives pasji and pseći. The second objective is to provide an overview of the current status of usage of these adjectives in the Serbian language, focusing on the issue of the usage frequency – if one of the two adjective is more often used than the other one. The resources were obtained by searching the Electronic Corpus. The analyzed corpus consists of passages from literary and artistic works, newspaper articles, lexicographical definitions extracted from the dictionaries of the Serbian (Serbo-Croatian) language, as well as data of the survey conducted by native speakers of the Serbian language.

1. Увод

2. Претходна разматрања о придевима пасји и псећи

3. Испитивање речничке грађе и творбена анализа придева пасји и псећи

4. Статус придева пасји и псећи према аналитичком корпусу

5. Истраживање анкетном методом

6. Закључне напомене
