최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어에서 조격 목적어 연구

Instrumental Objects in Russian

  • 12

The purpose of this study is to present various types of instrumental objects in Russian and their syntactic and semantic properties. We support the claim that the notion of transitivity can be modeled in scalar terms and the direct and even oblique objects interact with a semantic continuum of transitivity. Following to this, in chapter 2, we present what types of instrumental object exist in Russian sentences. In chapter 3, we accounts for characteristics of instrumental objects: as a morphological case-marking, whether instrumental object can be alternated with accusative; syntactically, whether passivization or reflexivization occurs with instrumental object construction; what semantic features should be considered in order to account for transitivity in instrumental objects. In Russian instrumental objects can be classified according to syntactic and semantic properties: an instrumental as a part of action, instrumental as a part of agent, and instrumental as a patient of control-relation. For transitivity of this construction, most important feature is the affectedness and individuation of object. Instrumental as a patient of control-relation has more strong-transitivity than the other instrumental objects.

1. 머리말

2. 조격 목적어 구문와 타동성

3. 조격 목적어 구문의 유형과 특성

4. 맺음말
