This Paper aims to state methodology to draw a distinction between varied senses of polysemous words. When lexicographers accept structure of polysemous words as set of discontinuously divided sense units, not semantic continuum of them, they can expect polysemous word to be described completely by dealing with dictionary articles equally for each lexeme, separated from the use of a word. Maximizing that effect, Explanatory-Combinatorial Dictionary (ECD) offers criteria of sense distinction, depending on structural frame – Government model in polysemous verb rezat’. However, emphasis on structural frame in ECD may cause several problems in sense distinction due to neglecting immanent semantic structure of the verb. The problems results from the fact that there is not always one to one correspondence between structural frames and lexemes. From the critical point of view, our principle on sense distinction of polysemous words is elaborated on proper consideration of not only syntactic valency as structural frame, but also lexical valency, i.e. semantic type of syntactic participants combined appropriately with predicates. Diversity of semantic type in syntactic participants can be confirmed through lexemes combined with a specific verb (predicate), and can be a crucial instrument for the sense distinction of polysemous words. Russian verb rezat’, for instance, governs arguments al whose nouns belong to different semantic types respectively, the verb is treated as polysemous and each semantic type becomes means of representing identity of individual senses. The proposed principle to distinguish senses helps obtain systemicity in semantic description. Specific semantic group sharing common semantic type originate from superordinate concept (SC) that its senses are based on. This SC along with the other SCs is based on prime concept. These SCs are correlated with one another in accordance with a definite participant and changes in its semantic type.
1. 서론
2. 다의어 구분방식에 대한 기존 연구
3. 다의어 분할원칙의 제안
4. 결론