최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Концепция интегрального словаря в русской лексикографии

The concept of the integral dictionary in Russian lexicography

The basic of the modern lexicography is the presentation of systemic characteristics of lexicon. The theoretical and practical aspects of compiling dictionary explaining the lexicon of a language as fairly well-organized system is called systemic lexicography. The systemic lexicography has already been well developed by Ju.D. Apresjan in a series of research papers. Therefore in the present work only the main concept of integral dictionary is briefly mentioned. The integral description of a language supposes that dictionary and grammar be harmonized with each other in the type of information which is contained in them and in the way of describing them. In this case dictionary and grammar are able to have influence on each other in a uniform linguistic model. This universal analysis of lexeme shows the complexity of lexicographical description and makes a basis for integral dictionary.

1. Введение

2. Гдавный принцип системной лексикографии

3. Главная идея интегральности описания языка

4. лексикографическйи тип и портрет

5. интегральное описание в модели 《смысл ↔ текст》

6. Заключение
