The purpose of this article is to compare Russian proverbs about words or speech with Korean ones. Because peoples consciousness is fully reflected in proverbs, we can easily detect their commonness and difference with others. Commonness is as follows: Being talkative and talking without thinking is considered as negativeness, Speech is necessary when it is needed, spoken language is more precious than written one, we have to speak wisely not to show the signs of strains and we have to be careful to speak to keep personal relationship smoothly. Difference is as follows: We can see the difference of the objects of metaphor- in Russian proverbs words like an empty cart, an empty grinding stone, a can with peas, a thin fly, a loudly barking dog are used as a metaphor of talkativeness and loudness, while in Korean words like measuring with a doe, dividing a rice cake, the flavor of soy sauce, a female slave of a widow are used. Besides, in Russian the words deeply related with a life style- ‘yeast, a dumpling, a cat -are often used, while in Korean the words having great value like ‘meat, drug, money, food appear in the proverbs. The Russian proverbs show more negative attitude to talkativeness than those of Korean ones. While the Korean proverbs show too much positive point of view of necessary talking to others- that is, if the situation requires it, we have to speak it to get rid of conflict even if it is a lie. The most important thing is that this research shows that the opinion of Fischer and Yoshida(1968) about speech relationship with population density is not correct. That is because the proverbs having positive attitude to speech are much more used and even emphasized in Korea, although Korea has a high population density.
Ⅰ. Введение
Ⅱ. Основная часть
Ⅲ. Заключение