최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

이중언어사전의 유형화와 그 특성

Types and characteristics of bilingual dictionaries

  • 34

Bilingual dictionaries have been under a number of research works, but there are still questions to be dealt with. The purpose of this paper is to provide typology of bilingual dictionaries and to investigate the characteristics of the previous research and theories about the dictionaries. First of all, Hausmann, F. J. (1977) suggests 8 types of dictionaries depending on language pairs. Kromnn H-P., Riiber T., Rosbach P.(1984) propose 4 types, Duda W., Frenzel M., Wöller E., Zimmermann T. (1986) show 6 types, and Zaiping, Wiegand(1987, 1989) have a dictionary with all four functions. However, the Williams(1960)’s two types with four functions might be the practical solution so far. It seems not right to combine active and passive dictionaries for a linguistic community, but these active and passive dictionaries are compatible in many aspects. Shcherba’s ideas and recent works about bilingual dictionaries tell that an ideal dictionary should be made just for a linguistic community. A dictionary must meet the needs of the users, not just being a combination of various dictionaries.

1. 머리말

2. 이중언어사전에 대한 쉐르바의 관점

3. 이중언어사전의 유형화에 대한 고찰

4. 능동사전과 수동사전에서 어휘기술

5. 맺음말
