Several recent studies concern the differences between L1 and L2 acquisition of Russian. It is known that Russian children never make errors in aspect usage whereas foreigners usually do. However, other types of mistakes look rather similar: form-building neologisms produced by children and L2 students are the same. Both learner types tend to apply productive rules to the verbs belonging to unproductive classes; e.g. *vzjaju, zastrjaeš instead of voz’mu, zastrjaneš. According to these studies, children demonstrate better results in those grammatical cases that are contextually determined, whereas grown ups are better in the application of rules. Other factors are language aptitude and age of the students. Learning foreign languages before puberty is easier than after that. The analysis of morphological forms shows that most errors are due to the class shift, incorrect use of the reflexive suffix –sja and rare forms like conditional and participles. Aspect errors are not as numerous as one could expect.
1. Сходство и различия процессов усвоения языка детьми и иностранцами
2. Материал исследования
3. Ошибочное образование и употребление морфологических форм