최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Лексикографические проблемы описания русских глаголов

A Study of lexicographic description of Russian Verbs

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As for the agenda of modern lexicography, the field that has many problems to be solved is the lexicographic description of the verb of the imperfective and perfective aspect. COV(Perf.) or NECOV(Imperf.) which is used as lexicographic description typically in a series of Russian dictionaries like Ozhegov Dictionary, Ushakov Dictionary, MAS, BAC is following the traditional point of view that explains the problem of verb aspect from the dichotomic and oppositional perspective. Therefore, the existing lexicographic definition can not reflect the meaningful features of the verb of imperfective and perfective aspect. So it can’t provide the information which enables the pertinent verb to be used in active communication activity. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to research the optimal lexicographic description of the verb of imperfective and perfective aspect based on Apresjan’s concept ‘Lexicographic Portrait’, after analyzing the problems of COV and NECOV which are in the existing definition dictionaries, and to suggest the type of dictionary information regarding the verb by giving specific examples. This new and very experimental attempt on the lexicographic definition of the verb of imperfect and perfect aspect will outperform the traditional definition dictionary from the various dictionary information, and it will contribute to the user of dictionary and speaker for the active communication activity with more communication oriented.

2. Лексикографические проблемы СОВ и НЕСОВ

3. Лексикографический портрет СОВ и НЕСОВ

4. Заключение
