최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 수사구에 관한 재해석의 가능성

The Possibility of Re-interpretation on Russian Numeral Phrases: Headedness

  • 12

The main goal of this paper is to investigate Russian Numeral Phrases, which exhibit a variety of morphosyntactic idiosyncrasies by adopting the concept of NP where N is the head of the projection instead of functional catetory of QP. The approach of NP to Russian Numeral phrases benefits better accounts for the controversies: case assignment in direct and oblique cases, modifier-modified concord, headedness etc. The core of NP approach is that N is the center of concord or agreement. When combined with numerals, N is in harmony with numerals, as a result of which N appears in genitive case, not nominative case. However, the function of head as N does not disappear, since N still plays an important role in morphosyntax. As for case assignment, case from upper projection percolates into lower projections. NP/DP is in state of phase, which can not be penetrable. After case is valued in the phase, the NP has a combination of numeral plus N, which may be in genitive, such as dva studenta (nom.), dvux studentov(acc.), etix pjat’studentov (acc.) etc. The result of spell-outs after case assignment is summarized as spell-out rules, which account for homogeneous and heterogeneous morphosyntax in Russian Numeral Phrases. To explicate the headedness of N in NP, this paper examined on the roles of head on the basis of Zwicky’s 7 criteria. His criteria are as follows: i) Semantic argument, ii) Subcategorizand, iii) Morphosyntactic locus, iv) Determinant of concord, v) Distributional equivalent, vi) Obligatory constituent, and vii) Ruler in dependency grammar. With the help of this definition, N is considered as syntactic head of NP, which benefits this research on Russian Numeral Phrases. This paper has a special meaning in that NP approach, instead of QP approach, is performed to analyze Russian Numeral Phrase within the framework of the Minimalist Program. NP approach is adopted since it can solve more morphosyntactic problems with better explanations.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 선행 연구

Ⅲ. 선행연구에 대한 재해석

Ⅳ. 결론
