최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

텍스트 분석을 위한 생성문법

A generative grammar for text

  • 7

The signs used in folklore are very diverse. These signs constitute syntactical construction (a syntactic model) composed of paradigma and sintagma that are structured centering around one theme. Semantic construction(a semantic model) constituted of implicated meaning of signs understood through function provided by these structure indicates the theme of the text. From construction of model and semantic analysis from this model, type of theme expressed in russian folklore text can be found, and assuming analogy of text users epistemic structure is possible through this type. Basic theories used to solve this problem are concept of “constant element” by Propp and Jermslev s model of semantic function about semantic analysis of signs. Modified analysis method re-interpretating and reconstructing Propp s concept of “constant element” and model of semantic function built up through Perse, Morris, and Jermslev of Saussure s fundamental principle regarding signs were applied. To describe text with sign, sentence descriptive method of generative perspective was used. The reason for using folklore as a material for analyzing is that folklore is where signs, used and filtered by endless conflict and competition throughout long period of time, are preserved and also, in these signs are users consciousness or unconsciousness reflected. Text analysis method proposed in this paper can be applied as a basic model of not only analyzing tool for folklores, but also for various cultural text. The meaning understood through semantic model of Russian folklore is that “an immature person, experiencing various incidents through various helpers finally becomes a mature human being.” Organizing schematically using few words, the theme can be “road to a mature human being,” “mature human,” et cetera. To conclude Russian expressed the desire to become their ideal human model in their folklores. This ideal human is a person that possesses various moral virtue(ex; politeness Cm1, humility Cm2, sincerity Cm3, gallantry Cm4, loyalty Cm5 ...) indicated in the model above. In consciousness of Russian, reflected in folklore, exists this longing for ideal society constructed by these ideal humans.

1. 들어가는 말

2. 분석 방법

3.0 분석

3.1 불변요소에 따른 기호들의 계열(paradigma) 및 계층

3.2 기호의 통합(sintagma)과 해석

4.0 결론
