Until now, many studies have made on the status of the Bulgarian numeral един. The main focus of these researches is on the following theme. “Is the Bulgarian numeral един the indefinite article?”. As a conclusion, I have shown that the Bulgarian numeral един functions a week and a strong determiner. Also this paper deals with comparative study of един in non-quantitive function in the Slavic language scopes. An estimate is made that in most cases един exercises a function corresponding to the indefinite article or definite semantic function of other Slavic languages. As a results of this, the Bulgarian един is used more often than corresponding item in the other Slavic. In Modern Bulgarian the category of indefiniteness is expressed not only by zero article but also by the един. This, however, is not fully developed in Bulgarian. In some cases the use of един is optional and the post-definite article is used instead of the един. For the expression of the meaning of definiteness/indefiniteness, the един is now on the competition way with definite article, demonstrative pronoun and nouns.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 중심 말
Ⅲ. 맺음말