최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Концепт «Ум» в паремиологическом фонде русского языка

Concept of ‘Um(Ум)’ in Russian Proverbs and Idioms

This article is dedicated to the study of semantic structure of a abstract noun ‘Um(Ум)’ based on the paremiological unit of Russian language. The actuality of a present work is determined by the examination of the abstract noun ‘Um(Ум)’ from the theoretical positions, which is leading in the present day phase of the development of linguistics: it is semantics, pragmatics and cognitive approach to language uniting them. The purpose of our research is an attempt to display and describe the national peculiarity of the conception ‘Um(Ум)’ in the linguistic world-image based on paremiological unit of Russian language. The atomic approach to the conception ‘Um(Ум)’ carried out by us gives definite results, showing that behind seemingly simple word there stands very complicated complex of representations rooted in cultural tradition. In the aspect of forming the conception of ‘Um(Ум)’ we can single out some dominats: <putejnost >, <spatial extent>, <voluminosity>, <dynamics>, <qualitative-ness>, <location>, <behavior>, <the way of life>, and so forth. The correlation of these dominants, their cohesion in the consciousness of one linguistic individual can be various, in that case as in the mindset of big linguistic community there are present all dominants of the conception, even though we can consider the understanding of ‘Um(Ум)’ as behavioral category fixing: ‘be witted’<иметь ум> means <to behave oneself according to the rules, formed in one s community, not to change the selected behavior>. Hence, in our opinion, there exists the contradiction between the form of phraseological unit with the component of ‘Um(Ум)’ and their place in the linguistic world image: ideographic classification was realized from the position of contemporary linguistic consciousness, comprehending ‘Um(Ум)’ as intellectual quality without the consideration of conceptual essence of the phrasemes of the fixed componential filling.

1. Введение

2. Анализ фразеологических выражений с компонентом 《ум》 в русском языке

3. Заключение
