최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Транспозиция местоимений и семантика категории лица

Transposition of pronouns and semantics of a category of the person

This article is devoted to a transposition of personal forms, i.e. the usage of pronouns and finite forms of verbs in the secondary sense. The category of person is a pragmatic category, marking participants of speech act depending on their roles in communications. Under certain pragmatic conditions pronouns can carry out the secondary meanings, based on the potential of their primary meaning. Thus pronouns form the dynamical structure whose elements are capable to get new functions in concrete speech acts. And actualization of this or that meaning of a personal pronoun is connected with interaction of semantics and pragmatists of a pronoun. Transpositions of personal pronouns are divided into two groups: 1) cases when they indicate participants of communications and the third person (referential transpositions); 2) cases when they indicate an uncertain group of the persons (non-referential transpositions). And in all these cases, their basic meanings are preserved. For example, 1st person plural pronoun «мы» shows referential and non-referential transpositions. In a referential transposition «мы» indicate participants of speech acts, i.e. the listener. Pronoun «мы» has a direct connection with the speaker, therefore designating the listener with the pronoun «мы», speaker includes him in one group with himself and expresses indulgent participation, sympathy, participation in a condition of the listener. And in non-referential transpositions pronoun «мы» can indicate a generalized person. In this case it is underlined that personal experience and belief of the speaker is generalized. The 2nd person pronoun «ты» shows referential and non-referential transposition in which it indicates the generalized person. In this case the generalized subject always corresponds with the speaker and the semantic element “personal participation” is underlined. And the 3rd person plural pronoun «он, они» shows the most various transpositions. It can indicate participants of speech acts and indefinite or generalized person. Naming himself and listener by 3rd personal form, speaker makes impression, as though he looks at himself from the outside, from the point of view of third person and by that creates effect of objectification. In non-referential transpositions of a 3rd person pronoun, an indefinite or a generalized subject always corresponds with others except the speaker and the listener, and the effect of objectification is created by that. Therefore, transpositions of personal pronouns specify in high degree of functional mobility of this category of words.

1. Введение

2. Транспозиция личных местоимений

3. Заключение
