The purpose of the current research is to show semantic characteristics of delimitiative verbs in Russian. Delimitative meaning is expressed diversely. Some specific lexemes such as adverbs and prepositional phrases are used with some verbs. The other method is to use certain prefixes and suffixes such as po- and –yva/iva-. The use of the latter is not always possible, because construction requires a certain semantic restriction and the restriction includes various implications – distributivity, iterativity, and frequentativity. These implications are related to the meaning of the given construction and to each other. The relationship appears random and chaotic depending on the lexical meaning of a verb, but there is a semantic pattern. The ultimate goal of this paper is to find out the pattern and to describe it from the point of view of cognitive linguistics.
1. Введение
2. Теории о виде и о способах действия
3. Анализ по формальным признакам
4. Анализ по семантическим признакам
5. Заключение