최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Семантическое формообразование и словообразование в русском языке

Semantic Inflection and Word-formation in Russian

The purpose of this research is to investigate grammatical homonymy in Russian. Interactions between grammatical and lexical meanings of Russian verbs are thoroughly analyzed and described based on the concept of Nikolaev s semantic inflexion. According to the analysis grammatical homonymy in Russian tense and moods is just a contextual variation of the basic meaning, not a change in the lexical meaning. Therefore it is not appropriate to relate this phenomenon to semantic inflexion as Nikolaev did. Novikov said that lexicalization of plural form of nouns is a way of building a new word called semantic word-formation, but there are opinions that these phenomena are related to inflexion, not word-formation. From this point of view it is appropriate to describe lexicalization of plural nouns in the framework of the semantic inflexion.

1. Введение

2. Совмещение двух значений в одной форме

3. Заключение
