Проблемы перевода фразеологических единиц разноструктурных языков: на материале ФЕ корейского языка с компонентом 똥 и их соответствий в польском, русском и украинском языках
The problems of translation of phraseological units: based on the Korean PU with component 똥 and their equivalents in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian
In this paper the author analyzes problems of translation phraseological units in different structure languages. The empirical basis of research are Korean idioms with component 똥, which were selected and grouped according to semantic criteria. Translated phraseological units were presented according to their grammatical, semantic and stylistic equivalence, and them have been divided into partial equivalents, analogs and non-having equivalency idioms. The results of the comparative analysis of the phraseological units gave language and cultural different and general facts of objective reality. The facts organize the idioms in classes and oppositional couples, which are shown in this article. The main idea deals with understanding of symbols and imaginations in motivational bases of phraseological units.