This work is intended by the author s part and also the prelude to a larger whole. Of concern in the article is the class of predicates inference, in particular a substantial part of it, namely verbs of inference – from the most representative for the whole of this class expression: [a] wywnioskował z [czegośp], że [q]. Inference predicates interest me primarily because of its importance: systemic (potential), synchronous (real) and local (Polish). Goal that I set myself (in the near term), is reduced to the reconstruction of the semantic representation of selected expressions (representatives of the class in question), and more precisely to formulate their dictionary definitions (lexicographical portraits) in terms of semantic components (as necessary conditions separately and jointly sufficient) The method by which I reach, meaning interesting question on my unit, part of a program of structuralist and refers to two more specific concepts: reducing component semantics and natural semantic metalanguage. Of course, this paper will confine itself to outline the general characteristics (pan) of that class and formulate a series of initial hypotheses, which deals with the verification of some time in the cycle of works devoted to particular verbs inference.
1. Stan bada?
2. Wnioskowanie w filozofii i nauce
3. Inferencyjna jednostka j?zyka ? definicje i procedury
4. Czasowniki wnioskowania - przegl?d najwa?niejszych zagadnie?
5. Perspektywy