1. The article discusses: How the theory of sounding speech has been created (Impulses went from necessity to overcome a negative material. Therefore, it has been studied for more than 30 different foreign accents in Russian language; Hence, work was promoted by professional hearing which has been developed in a course dialectic expeditions). 2. As this theory continues to establish (on it special courses are read, it is an integral part of the general course of linguistics, according to it practical grants for foreigners are created. 3. What is the importance of studying of this theory? 1) To understand that a number of an intonational design contains neutral and emotional realizations; 2) That there are various types of intonational design and isn t limited by its usage; 3) That the intonational design cooperates with syntax, lexicon intonation and consequently depends on the lexical and grammatical structure of the sentence. Further, it expresses different senses or different stylistic shades within its general sense; 4) That by studying intonational design, it is important to consider not only the tone movement, but also the trafficability within an intonational design) 4. What it is desirable to consider at a spelling of grants for foreigners? (To give texts on hearing with an advancing; to put down types intonational design and partitioning in texts only in indisputable or bright cases) 5. What should students have when studying the Russian language during a practical speech development training? (Conjoint reading, comprehending potential possibilities of the text in accordance to dividing the text on syntagmas and choosing different types of intonational design)
1. Рождение теории Е.А.Брызгуновой в процессе преодоления отрицательного материала
2. Последователи Е. А. Брызгуновой
3. Что следует учитывать при применении теории Е.А. Брызгуновой на практике
4. Некоторые предложения пишущим практические пособия для иностранных учащихся
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