Onomastics is the branch of linguistics, which describes the proper names, their etymology, structure and functions in social space. In this paper the author tries to answer the question about the state of contemporary onomastics in Poland and the vision of its near future. This reflection is located in the postmodern philosophy of science. Past onomastics was dependent on historical and etymological researches and structuralism. Now, there are a lot of various paradigms in onomastics, for example: the cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, the discourse and text analysis. In author’s opinion the future onomastics will become the interdisciplinary sphere of humanistic knowledge not only linguistic. Its will contain also other sciences, e.g. psychology, sociology, religious studies.
1. Uwagi wstępne. Onomastyka w refleksji postpozytywistycznej
2. Onomastyczne „gry z przeszłością” - paradygmat etymologicznohistoryczny i strukturalistyczny
3. „Gry” onomastyki ze współczesną humanistyką - poszukiwania nowych inspiracji
4. Ku interdyscyplinarności? -„gra” onomastyki z niepewną przyszłością