This paper is devoted to the analysis on the mistakes and errors in the writings of the Dutch students who learn Russian in Saint-Petersburg. I reviewed the errors and mistakes of the foreign students Russian compositions from the orthographical, word-formational, lexicological and functional points of view. Their mistakes and errors come from the lack of knowlege of the Russian orthographic rules, the lack of word-formational knowledge about how to choose the right prefixes and suffxes, or the lexical gaps between their mother tongue and the Russian. From the fuctional point of view, however, the students were able to, despite the errors and mistakes, have themselves fully understood, saying what they thought, what they wanted to tell and how they feel about the nation, the languge and the the people.
1. Введение
2. Материал исследования
3. Анализ ошибок: орфография
4. Анализ ошибок: словообразование
5. Анализ ошибок: лексика
6. Функциональный взгляд на ошибки иностранных учащихся