최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어와 한국어의 자음 음소 변동 제약

Consonant Change Constraints in Korean and Russian: An Optimality Analysis

  • 8

This paper has been concerned with an optimality analysis of the consonant deletion, neutralization, and assimilation in Korean and Russian. As frequently attested in many other languages, the syllable-final consonants in Korean tend to be simplified : The [+continuant, -sonorant] consonants neutralize into [~continuant] sounds if they occur in a syllable-final position, and if two consonants occur in a syllable-final position, one consonant must be deleted. So it has been argued that the consonant deletion and the neutralization are triggered by the constraints like *COMPLEX and CODA-COND. The two consonants cause a conflict between :MAX and DEP. If we want to satisfy the two constraints, we must violate either MAX or DEP. It has been claimed that the behavior of final consonants in native Korean words can be explained by the ranking DEP》MAX. This Paper has provided an optimality analysis of the neutralization of word-final consonant and the voicing assimilation of consonant clusters in Russian. WSA-left, IDENT and CODA~COND have been used for the purpose of this paper. Thus the voicing assimilation of double consonants can be accounted for by the ranking WSA~left > IDENT > CODA-COND. In conclusion it has been claimed that the language-specific feature contrast of universal constraints is more important for the difference of Korean and Russian double consonants.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 어말자음의 중화

Ⅲ. 겹받침 단순화와 역행동화 분석

Ⅳ. 결론


