최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Podnětná studie o českých předložkách v cizojazyčné výuce

A Stimulating Study on Czech Prepositions in Teaching Czech as a Foreign Language

The aim of the article is to analyze the study Prepositions in Teaching Czech as a Foreign Language by Milan Hrdlička. It points out his semantically orientated approach to the description of prepositions which stands in contrast to the frequently formal approach found in most textbooks of Czech as a foreign language (CFL). According to M. Hrdlička, the semantic approach allows a more systematic surveying and can also grasp, in a relatively complex manner, the aspect of meaning in prepositions that belong to the most difficult phenomena. From the methodological point of view, the authors of the paper are sure that it is preferrable to combine the both approaches, especially in teaching beginners. The study also aims to demonstrate the practical presentation of prepositions with meanings of cause and purpose, and of prepositions with meanings of place and condition. To illustrate the necessity of a detailed semantic analysis, this pater has also paid a special attention to the equivalents of some prepositional cases with the meaning of purpose in Korean. In conclusion, it has been claimed that the study on Czech prepositions from the perspective of CFL is a valuable and stimulating contribution to their linguistic description and difficult presentation in teaching Czech as a foreign language. The study will certainly address all those who are concerned with language research in both theory and application.
