The paper is dealing with the formational and semantic analysis of the nouns ending with an -ada in Modern Serbian. The suffix -ada is of foreign origin and occurs in other Slavic and non-Slavic languages (Polish, Czech, Russian, Slovene, English, German, Italian, French etc.). The ending appears in two suffix variants: -ada and -ijada. The second, the enlarged one, is more productive due to its semantic specialization: it serves in formation of nouns meaning happenings, shows, meetings, presentations that imply a certain, higher or lower, degree of contest. The new formations are impacted by older structures like: olimpijada, univerzijada, balkanijada etc. In Modem Serbian, this impact created many derivatives, which sometimes have a quite strange structure. Particularly is numerous the group of derivatives stemming from nouns denoting the culinary art specialties, like: kobasicijada ← kobasica sausage , slaninijada ← slanina bacon , kulenijada ← kulen pork sausage , roštiljijada ← roštilj grill and grilled meat etc. Naturally, all of these formations, as well as other similar ones, are stylistically marked and do not belong to the lexical standard. Actually, all of them are the neologisms, or - more precisely - they are in the sphere of individual and occasional language features.