A generative system is an algorithm can be regarded as an abstract logical device by which a new unit, e.g., a sentence, is generated. This abstract logical symbol system is the artificial analog of a system of natural language. This article explores the possibility of making APM available for this algorithm. The definition of generation should be reformulated at first in this article. We examine Shaumjan s concept of invariance as it defines the transformational relationship of one sentence and another. Shaumjan s concepts Constitutive Combination and Blocked Combination are discussed. Shaumjan s proposed Free Bound T-Generation, Semi-Bound T-Generation and Bound T-Generation are examined from a new point of view and are modified. Shaumjan s ideas for describing the process of generation of language deserve to be better known. Especially I would like to point out that he strictly discriminates between Gentype and Phnotype an important distinction in metalanguage which many linguists still confused.
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