최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

О некоторых функциях видо-временных форм в тексте

Some functions of aspect-tense form in text

In this article we made study on some functions of verbal aspect-tense forms and problem of deixis in text. We have taken A.P. Chekhov s story Palata No 6 as an object of our analysis. In this study we focused on how the verbal tense-aspect forms participated in presenting so-called new , dynamic situations (traditionally considered to be expressed by perfective verbs in Russian) and static situations (usually regarded to be described by imperfective verbs in Russian), respectively. Past tense forms of perfective verbs and the present tense forms of imperfective verbs in the function of praesens historicum are known as playing central role in narration by presenting chain of events. However, in A.P. Chekhov s story Palata No 6 we could find the cases where the narration went mainly in present tense forms of imperfective verbs, but not in the function of praesens historicum in the original sense of this term. Cases similar to this may be called the co-realization of praesens historicum and permanent -continuous variant of the actual present. Also, special efforts were made to investigate how and to what extent the aspect-tense forms together with other deictic indicators mark the interactions of narrative and speech regimes in narrator s discourse, dynamic distance between narrator and hero, and how their points of view and voices were merged or taken apart in different situation. In this connection we paid attention to the problem of so-called quasi-direct speech , to be precise, the combination of two voices and thoughts, two points of view. We tried to figure out what is the difference when present form and the past form, respectively, are used in quasi-direct speech. From our point of view when both present and past tense forms can be used to convey the thoughts of hero through there seems to be slight difference caused by the difference of present and past tense. When the present tense form is used to convey the hero s thoughts the distance between hero s point of view and that of reader which is the zero point for perceiving the text is diminished and the voice of hero dominate that of narrator, while the distance among the hero, the narrator and the reader remains equal when the past tense form is used.
