최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Предлог ом в шведско-русском словаре: от 《полисемии》 к концептуальной сети

Preposition om in Swedish-Russian dictionary: from polysemy to conceptual network

This work offers two firsts : a complete conceptual network for the Swedish om, a non-spatial preposition characterized by an utterly vagarious and diversified configuration of concepts; and a complete bilingual entry for this word as it might appear in a Swedish-Russian dictionary based on the cognitively anchored conceptual analysis of the lexeme instead of an inventory list of senses , a boundless set of translation equivalents , or an eclectic mixture of the two. Thus, a bridge is being established, in a tangible way, between the realms of cognitive semantics and practical lexicography, suggesting effective remedies for the two major faults of the conventional bilingual dictionary: unrecognizability of the SL entry as a coherent conceptual whole by the TL user, and, consequently, inability to suggest precise orientations for the user s own production of the equivalent TL text, in a countless number of cases not anticipated by the dictionary -maker. Specifically, this is demonstrated for a so called broad semantics word .

1. Как возможен двуязычный словарь

2. Как устроен предлог ом

Фрагмент словарной статьи лексемы ОМ для шведеко-русского словаря

