최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 텍스트에 표현된 동사 시제ㆍ상과 의사소통유형과의 상관성 연구

The correlation between the predicative verb tense-aspect used in Russian texts and the communication register

  • 11

This paper describes a study regarding the correlation between the predicative verb tense-aspect used in Russian texts and the communication register. According to the communication register grammar, the tense-aspect of Russian predicative verbs play significant roles in conveying communication intention of the speaker. The main reason behind this phenomenon is that sentences with similar structures incorporate completely different communication intentions based on the tense-aspect of the predicative verbs used. When analyzing texts, therefore, one must consider the roles played by the three functions of predicative verb aspects: aorist, perfect and imperfect. From the predicative verb tense perspective, one must consider the text time (physical/incident-action incurred/incident-action perceived) and the communication register time (actual/general/universal) in addition to the general tense. Such time categorization is based on the premise that the correlation between the observer and the incident-action is established by not only the direct observation of the observer, but also human intelligence capabilities that are unrelated to the time factor. According to the communication register grammar, there is always a specific observer involved in reproduction register texts. Furthermore, the actual time s three points in time - text, incident-action incurred and incident-action perceived - are always identical. On the other hand, there is no particular observer s perspective in information register texts. Here, the information register time is the general time, and there are cases where the text point in time is identical with the incident-action incurred/perceived points in time. These facts help us understand how usage of the predicative verb in a sentence can alter the speaker s communication intention.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 텍스트에 대한 역사적 고찰

Ⅲ. 텍스트에서의 러시아어 동사 시제-상의 역할

Ⅳ. 의사소통문법에 대한 소개 및 의사소통유형 연구

Ⅴ. 텍스트에서의 러시아어동사 시제-상의 의미 및 이들의 의사소통유형 규정 시의 역할

Ⅵ. 맺는 말


