최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 인지 술어 знаmъ의 의미-통사적 특성 연구

On the semantico-syntactic characteristics of Russian Epistemic Predicate znat

The paper is devoted to the analysis of the semantico-syntactic structures of Russian verb znat , which functions as a representative of Russian Epistemic Predicates of Knowing. From a syntactic point of view, Russian Epistemic Predicate znat is related to the specific syntactic valences: it is combined with direct and oblique cases (with or without prepositions), WH-clauses and that-clauses, which contain a proposition, i.e. show a content of the opinion or knowledge of the subject. Semantico-syntactic structures of Russian Epistemic Predicates can be divided into the structures with explicit information and the structures with implicit information. The explicity of information plays a significant role when a speaker chooses syntactic structures or valences (Wh-clauses, that-clauses, object of direct or oblique cases). Thus I divide semantico-syntactic structures of znat into the structures with explicit information (znat, chto P / znat A kak B / znat Acc (phrase)) and the structures with implicit information (znat Acc / znat o Prep / znat, WH P) and take a close look at each structure respectively. Among these structures, I take the structure with direct case znat Ace as a Semantic Primitive and describe the other structures using this one, as I suppose that Russian Epistemic Predicates and their syntactic structures can be described by dint of some basic concepts or basic structures, namely semantic primitives. For example I describe the structure znat , chto P , as follows: (1) S znaet↘, chto P = P (presupposition); S znaet eto(assumption); Ja govorju eto (implicature). In addition, the grammatical categories such as Person, Tense, and the semanic factors such as negative / positive constructions and verifiability of a proposition have an influence on the semantic interpretation of the structures and make a difference in the senses of the given sentences. Therefore I pay attention to those grammatical and semantic factors, making an analysis of the semantico-syntactic structures of znat . This study shows that the semantico-syntactic structures of znat are closely related to each other and they can be described by the structure with direct case znat Ace , which is considered as a semantico-syntactic dominant of znat and the other Russian predicates of Knowing. Besides, the grammatical categories and the semantic factors illustrated above perform an important role in the semantic representations of the semantico-syntactic structures of Russian Epistemic Predicate znat , which is closely related to the main pragmatical issues like fact, presupposition, implicature, speaker, and addressee and so on. Thus Russian Epistemic Predicates not only reflect the state of mind of the subject, but also indicate subjective valuation of the speaker.

1. 서론

2. 인지 술어 знаmъ의 의미-통사적 구조 분석

3. 결론

참고 문헌

