The main aim of this article is to show A.S.Pushkin s and FM.Dostoevsky s language traditions in the contemporary Russian newspapers. It s well-known that authors in newspapers use different ways to attract the attention of the reader. At the same time the style of the article should seem to be common and easy to understand. For these purposes texts are written using not only means of conversational style of Russian language but also intertext. Syntax and semantics of A.S.Pushkin and F.M.Dostoevsky novels symbolize two main traditions in Russian prose from the ⅩⅨ century till the present time. Both of them may include the means of annular segmentation, which itself brings a special semantic and emotional meaning into the text. At the same time annular segmentation can t be used in the prose, defined as L.N.Tolstoy tradition, which consists of complex sentences. The author of the article provides the research of annular segmentation in the modem prose according to the mentioned above traditions. One should say that, though annular segmentation usually operates emotion on the syntax level and ignores lexical one, newspaper s language changes this situation: lexics, which is used in the middle part of annular segment, in most of the times is to be understood as intertext. That is why the author of the article considers any kind of text abstract, created by the means of annular segmentation in a combination with lexical intertext, to be segmentated metatext . The usage of segmentated metatext characterizes most of the newspaper articles because it makes clear not only the idea of the text itself but also gives the history of the question . The author s research in this article gives an opportunity to understand the mechanism of writing an article in the modem newspaper and, besides, shows the way for development of two traditions in Russian prose. The means of annular segmentation are also used in commercial ads. In this context one should admit that annular segmentation, which appeared in the short prose of A.S.Pushkin still, is taken as one of the most effective ways to point out the main idea in the text. In the ⅩⅩⅠ century ways of expression are shortened in newspapers but there is still a need in giving the whole picture, and this becomes the reason to create a segmentated metatext . As for the prose of F.M.Dostoevsky we can admit that his psychological syntax is common for the contemporary.
1. Пушкинская традиция в газетном стиле
2. Синтаксис Ф.М.Достоевского в современной газете
3. Заключение