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KCI등재 학술저널

바흐찐 언어이론의 다면적 고찰

A Study on the many-sided Research of Bakhtin s Linguistic Theory

  • 13

Mikhail Bakhtin is still considered not only as a literary theorist and a prominent thinker but as a distinguished figure in various fields of humanities. Especially Bakhtin s Dialogism has been accepted as a good paradigm explaining phenomena of human society in many countries, including Korea. The reception of Bakhtin in Korea was started by a French literature scholar in 1985 for the first time, and has been followed by scholars studying English literature and then by scholars studying Russian language and literature. But most of these studies. have dealt with literature themes, and only a few has dealt with linguistic themes. Considering the fact that Bakhtin is not only a literary theorist but also a linguistic philosopher and thinker, the trend and tendency of study on Bakhtinin Korea has surly lost the balance. Thus the study on Bakhtin in Korea has shown following problems. 1. It seems to me that many Bakhtin researchers in Korea think that Saussure s linguistic theory is insufficient for analyzing linguistic phenomena whereas Bakhtins theory is not. I think, this negative opinion of Saussure is biased. In my opinion each of these distinguished linguists has different view on linguistic realities. The difference of the two lies only in that Saussure s linguistics is a theoretical linguistics whereas Bakhtin s linguistics is metalinguistics. 2. Many Bakhtin researchers in Korea see the linguistic theory of Bakhtin from the point of view of marxist materialism. In my opinion, in order to understand Bakhtin s linguistic theory, we should trace what was the conception of Bakhtin s ideology. It seems to me that his concept of ideology was different from that of idealists and materialists. 3. Many researchers in Korea insist that Bakhtin s linguistic theory is not connected with Christianity. It is because they understand Bakhtin linguistic theory from the point of view of marxist materialism. I think, Bakhtin s dialogism has a strong relation to Russian Orthodox Theology, especially to the conception of keno sis and theosis . 4. Even though it is well known that Kant Philosophy and Neokantism influenced on Bakhtin Linguistic Philosophy, Korean researchers on Bakhtin do not have interest in this theme. 5. In order to understand Bakhtin s dialogism properly, it seems to me, that it is very important to distinguish the difference between Bakhtin s dialogism and M. Bubers dialogism. It is very certain that Bakhtin s linguistic theory is interwoven with linguistics, philosophy, theology, ideology and so on. Therefore it is more reasonable foron Bakhtin to deal it with many-sided approach in order that we could analyze him more properly. Therefore in this research I want to make it clear how Bakhtins dialogism was influenced by idealism, materialism, Kant Philosophy, Neokantism, Russian Orthodox Theology and Buber s dialogism.

1. 서론

2. 본론

3. 결론


