Принципы современной методической системы обучения иноязычной речи и планирование учебного процесса
Principles of contemporary methodical system of teaching a foreign language and planning of an educational process
This article is devoted to an urgent problem of contemporary methods of foreign language teaching, in this case it s the Russian language, and this problem is the planning of educational process. It is said in the article that for such a planning questionnairing of students can be used as a method. Since the whole process of education must be based upon principles of contemporary methodical system of teaching foreign languages, the questionnaire must aim at clearing up the questions which are important for these principles. Basic methodical principles of education (a principle of purposefulness of education, a principle of complex motivation, a principle of communicative orientation, a principle of parallel teaching all kinds of speech activity, a principle of differentiated approach in teaching a foreign language) are described by the authors and a variant of a questionnaire which takes into account these principles in a process of planning of education is offered. In the second part of the article there are the results of questionnairing, which was carried out among the students of the university in the city of Daegu, who were learning the Russian language. The authors show that questionnairing can clear some questions for planning of education for a concrete audience. These questions are: 1. purposes of education; 2. motivation of education; 3. outward aim at education; 4. starting knowledge of area studies; 5. interests in area studies; 6. aim at a kind of speech activity; 7. age of students; 8. gender peculiarities of an audience; 9. experience in learning foreign languages. The authors come to the conclusion that questionnairing is an effective method, which lets a teacher-practic determine peculiarities of a concrete audience fast and precisely, an educational process of which should be planned with taking into account basic principles of contemporary methodical system of teaching foreign languages.
1. Введение
2. Анкетирование как один из путей реализации основных методи-ческих принципов обучения иностранным языкам
3. Результаты анкетирования как основа планирования учебного процесса
4. Заключение