최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 의문문의 대화 기능 연구

A Study on Conversational Function of Russian Interrogatives

The purpose of this study is examine the various meanings which interrogative sentences might imply in the contexts. To this purpose, this study aims to describe systematically the meanings and functions of interrogative sentences by contrasting direct speech acts to indirect speech acts. The interrogative sentences are defined as a linguistic form to express the speaker s uncertainty about some information and the needs of that information. According to meaning of interrogative sentences on the basis of the context, interrogative sentences are grouped into two types: general interrogative sentences and special interrogative sentences. In direct speech acts interrogatives function as act of actual question. But in indirect speech acts interrogatives have different illocutionary forces and express various meanings. In indirect speech acts interrogatives can be grouped into three types of acts: directive question, rhetorical question, emotive question. One of the main motivations for the existence if indirect speech acts in natural language is the desire on the part if interlocutors to preserve one another s face. Directive questions, which mostly take the form of questions, are the most important modes of expressing polite requests. In requests tact is required to ritually and symbolically demonstrate indirectness or politeness for smooth social interaction. The setting of rhetorical questions is always taking a negative form which is contradictory to the speaker s intention, thus the meaning of the rhetorical questions reflect on the speaker s attitude. Emotive questions also reflect on the speaker s negative attitude towards the hearer s behavior in the discourse. The function of indirect questions is to express various meaning and intention and to control the listener s unverbal, mental response.

1. 질문(question)에 관한 질문

2. 질문의 일반 특성과 유형 분류

3. 부차적 질문

4. 담화책략 질문

5. 결언


